Screenshots of M1 - Android Emulator by MMMOOO
Android interface is coming to a symbian device near you! Surprised? This news is exclusive to followers of our blog as we are proud to be the first source on internet to announce that developers at MMMOOO are coming up with an Android emulator for our beloved 5800s (s60 5th edition devices) and s60 third edition mobile devices. The screenshots to the left are from a s60 third edition device but the folks at MMMOOO have assured us that the emulator aptly titled “M1“, inspired by HTC G1, will be very much functional on s60 5th edition devices. M1 will be priced at USD 6.99 and will be officially launched on June 18th this year.
Inspired by the success of MyPhone, which definitely is the hottest application for 5800 today, MMMOOO has come up with this fully functional android emulator-M1. As with MyPhone, M1 is just an application launcher for s60 devices. M1 brings in features of android interface like: transition from standby menu to main menu with a drag icon, option of adding unlimited 3rd part icons in the applications menu and an independant application displaying SMSs in iPhone style conversation window (only for the s60 fifth edition devices).
It can be seen from the screenshots above that screen lock, drag to main main menu and sideways drag to the second screen are functional. It can be assumed that as with android interface, M1 will also support three screens and the screen transitions will be as smooth as with MyPhone application if not any better. So be ready to get a feel of Android on your 5800s, come this June 18th.
P.S- We will be giving out MyPhone Exceeding iPhone licenses at a special promotional price to our readers soon. More details on this in the next post. Till then check out screenshots of the Android emulator-M1 for s60 devices.\