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Nokia 5800 App Review: Eyecall

Posted by Isaac Wong Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nokia 5800 App Review: Eyecall

eyecallAfter being completely bowled over by qik the other day, I was hunting for a suitable app to follow up for reviewing on my 5800. Qik may be in the top of the list of coolest applications available on symbian platform today but not to be left far behind is this another cool application from the benches of eyeSight. Lets see how cool this application really is and how well it fares on our 5800s.


eyeCall is available as a paid application on the ovi store but as you guys must have realised by now, the payment option in ovi store is not working ever since it opened its floodgates to the whole world. I mean it was perfectly functional when I reviewed ovi client on 5800 when it was soft launched in a selected few countries. A few hours later when it was launched worldwide, payment option seized to work, blame it on the traffic surge! I came across this application while browsing through the ovi store and was totally drawn by its features after going through the item description. I didnt let the payment faux in ovi store deter me and found a beta version of the app on mobicreed. As you may guess, a beta application will probably be unsigned and it was indeed, prompting me to sign the app using the method described in my earlier post. Well, now I was all set to get a feel of eyeCall on my 5800.



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