Nokia 5800 App Review: Tweets60 v1.22
“Tweet“ing has really caught up with the internet crowd today. Not being on twitter is being looked down upon with the same disdain as someone who doesn’t own a mobile phone these days. Such is the popularity of “twitter”, that one of the hottest applications across several mobile platforms today are several twitter clients letting users tweet, right from their mobile phones. Tweets60 v1.22 is one such twitter client bringing “tweet” functions to Nokia 5800s for free.
Tweets60 v1.22 can be downloaded for free from their official website here. The installation (.sisx file) is just 107 kb, making it easier and economical (if you are on a pay as you use data plan) to download right from your mobile browser. It took me like 5 s on opera mini over wi-fi to download this application. Installation is pretty straightforward with the customary warnings for untrusted application and data access permissions. In all, download and installations shouldn’t take more than 20s on our 5800s.