Great news for users in India, Nokia is offering 100 free tracks during the festive season of Diwali. These tracks range from the following sections – Bollywood/South/Devotional and other miscellaneous. To avail this offer, you need to log on to . If you are logging on for the first time, the website would require you to download and install Nokia Music 1.3 software. After downloading and installing the same, re-login to the site. Sign up for a UserId at the site and remember that you can open one account per mobile number. Once you have signed up, navigate to the home page and click on the “100 Free Tracks” banner. This will bring up the free tracks page which will list all the tracks that are free. They actually have a specified list of 100 free tracks that are spread across languages spoken in south and north india. You can download any song any number of times absolutely free of cost. As per my understanding they have listed some very recent song releases for download.
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