Just when you thought Symbian user interface is getting old since the new touchscreen devices are currently using S60v5 (which was ported from S60v3 with touch capability added), don scat!
The people at Symbian Foundation are actually working on new Symbian platforms namely Symbian^3 and Symbian^4
Check out the timeline above to find out when these new n good looking Symbian versions are coming.
According to Symbian.org:
The second open version of the Symbian platform. It extends Symbian^2 in many ways, including graphics support for advanced layering and effects, full HDMI support for a great television playback experience and improving data performance - ideal for streaming high definition audio and video.
Symbian^4 is expected in 2010. It will feature Direct UI - a complete makeover of the touch UI, Qt as the primary runtime and the majority of SHAI in place, making hardware adaptation easier than ever before.
Check out this video showing off the Symbian UI Concept posted by Symbian Foundation.
Can’t wait to see this being implemented! Come on Symbian! Speed it up!
source: http://symbian.smashpop.net/ Subscribe to his post.